Please see below (and linked) information about recent issues of Coolabah, the official journal of The Australian and Transnational Studies Centre at the Universitat de Barcelona:

Issue 36: Interviews with Zackie Achmat and Shaun de Waal: 30 years of democracy, accountability and violence in post-Apartheid South Africa

This monograph is an edited version of interviews with the South African human rights activist and presidential candidate for the 2024 South African elections, Zackie Achmat, and the writer-scholar Shaun de Waal, respectively. The conversations took place in Cape Town and Johannesburg in 2023, when the author/interveiwer traveled to South Africa to conduct research on medical humanities at the Wits Institute for Social and Economic Research (WiSER) of the Witwatersrand University in Johannesburg. The interviews explore the links between political accountability, good governance, health, culture and socio-economic development in the context of post-COVID19 South Africa.

Published October 2024

Issue 35: ounded landscapes: Human intervention into natural ecosystems. Cultural approaches and artistic responses

This edition of Coolabah seeks to explore creative responses to the diverse challenges that natural ecosystems are suffering due to the invasive and unsustainable cycle of human production and consumption.

Guest editor: Herman Bashiron Mendolicchio

Associate editors: Honi Ryan and Sean Lowry

Published 2023

Issue 34: On Gases, Clouds, Fogs and Mists

This special edition of Coolabah, ‘On gases, clouds, fogs and mists,’ collects articles and creative writing on the theme of atmospheres. While set in a variety of geographic regions and spanning different historical time periods, a through line in these works is their concern for the embodied experience of atmospheres. They are also full of ghosts, monsters and unexplained apparitions, gaseous forms that demand our attention. These apparitions are not just figments of one’s imagination or mere frightened projections, they are made of real atmospheric effects that exist outside of human perception or narration of them.

Guest editor: Benjamin Kidder Hodges

Published 2023