The Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia (JEASA) was founded and has been maintained by the European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA) since 2009. It is a double blind peer-reviewed, open-access online journal published twice a year, intended to showcase both European and Australian scholarhip in the field of Australian studies.
JEASA invites ongoing submissions in any area of Australian studies. Articles which have a European connection and offer comparative perspectives are particularly welcome. Special and guest-edited issues are announced in advance, most commonly once a year. Proposals to edit special issues can be made at any time by emailing the general editor.
Submissions should be emailed the the general editor unless indicated otherwise. Articles of 5,000-8,500 words must follow the format specified in submission guidelines. They should be submitted as one document with no indication of author’s identity. A separate document shoud contain author’s name, institutional affiliation if appropriate, e-mail address and a brief biography to be used if the article is accepted.
No charges are made for article processing or for publication. Articles can be accessed and downloaded in a .pdf format and used freely for academic and educational purposes, provided they are properly referenced and cited.
JEASA General Editor: (2024-)
Marilena Parlati, University of Padova,
Previous JEASA General Editors:
Marie Herbillon, University of Liège (2021-2024)
Martina Horakova, Masaryk University, Czech Republic (2016-2021)
David Callahan, University of Aveiro, Portugal (2011-2016)