ROAM 2 Creative Journal (Representations of Home project),
University of Lisbon Centre for English Studies
“Emotions and the pandemic: Where we have been, what we have felt, where we go next”
ROAM welcome the submission of poems, short prose, images and film on the general theme of emotions felt most intensively during the pandemic. You might like to explore the following categories in your creative pieces:
- different feelings and emotions (fear, hope, sorrow, love, anger…)
- relationships near and far (loss, nostalgia, longing, insights…)
- health and illness (pain, confusion, sadness, anger, acceptance…)
- living and working on-line (boredom, loneliness, comfort…)
- home and the community (care, responsibility, selflessness, kindness…)
- disadvantaged communities (anxiety, powerlessness, survival…)
- nature — animals, fauna, environments (relief, communion, joy…)
- global and climate change (shock, disgust, guilt, fury, grief…)
ROAM look forward to receiving your creative submissions (poems 1 page, prose 1,000 words, images X 3, film 3 minutes). They should be sent to rephome(AT)letras.ulisboa.pt by 12 December 2021. Acceptance will be communicated by 31 January 2022.