Volume 1, number 1 (2009) Realigning the Spiritual Compass: Representations of Terrorism in some Recent Australian Fiction, by Xavier Pons
Volume 1, number 1 (2009) “Their graves are green, they may be seen”: Geoff Page’s Visible Histories, by David Callahan
Volume 1, number 1 (2009) “Dry and Upside Down” on Telegraph Wire: The Geopoetics of the Line in Australian Poetry, by Martin Leer
Volume 1, number 1 (2009) La Australia Argentina: From ‘Terra Nullus’ to Terra del Fuego, by Susan Ballyn
Volume 1, number 1 (2009) Bruce Chatwin and the Aboriginal Story ‘Murgah Murrui’: Threading Songlines and Webs of Lives, by Antonella Riem Natale