by Martina Horakova (2-3)


“Hidden Fortunes of Colonial Australian Popular Fiction: Women in Mary Fortune’s ‘Dora Carleton'”
by Alice Michel (4-15)

“‘A Man Apart:’ The Unwritten Tragedy of Henry Lawson”
by John Barnes (16-31)

“Presence, Meaning, and the Other in Katharine Susannah Prichard’s Coonardoo: The Well in the Shadow
by Barnabas Baranyi (32-38)

“‘Money is a Steal:’ Christina Stead’s Critique of Finance Capitalism in House of All Nations
by Michael Ackland (39-49)

“White(washing) Australia and Nationalism Theory of Ernest Gellner”
by Arindam Das (50-60)

“‘Vegetable Giants of the West:’ Plant Ethics in the Photography of Australian Karri (Eucalyptus Diversicolor) Forests, 1890 to the Present”
by John Charles Ryan (61-83)


Interview with Jessica L. Wilkinson
by Pradeep Trikha (84-89)

Book Reviews

Rev. of Stewart Jackson, The Australian Greens: From Activism to Australia’s Third Party
by Lars Jensen (90-92)

Rev. of Anne Brewster, Giving this Country a Memory: Contemporary Aboriginal Voices of Australia
by Martin Renes (93-96)

Rev. of Michael Wilding, Growing Wild
by Nataša Kampmark (97-99)

Rev. of Geoffrey Gibson, Taciturn Man and Other Tales of Australia and Matriarch: An Australian Novel of Love and War
by Jean Page (100-102)